6 Symptoms Of Meningitis That Parents Should Not Ignore

Children are most affected by meningitis. That is why it is essential that parents know how to identify the symptoms of this disease.

Meningitis is triggered by inflammation of the membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord. Children are more likely to contract it. In the following article, we’ll show you the steps to identify your child’s symptoms as a parent.

Some forms of meningitis can be prevented by vaccination. Some of the most common and available today are:

  • Antitimeningococcal
  • Antihemophilus
  • Antipneumococcus

Some of them are not included in the immunization schedule of all countries.

However, it is not certain that the vaccines indicated above offer absolute protection, since they act exclusively on certain antigens of the bacterial strain.

In the case of infants or children infected with meningitis, it shows signs of irritation, nervousness or simply a lack of appetite.

  • Fever is the first sign, but there are times when hypothermia can also be a symptom.
  • They may also have agitated breathing and seizures.

This is a delicate step, because if the skull is not fully formed, the fontanelles or cranial openings may be swollen.

Typical meningitis signs usually occur when the pediatrician examines them for the immaturity of the central nervous system. Reddish spots may appear in meningococcal meningitis.

Due to the variety of presentations of meningitis in young children, once it is believed that the symptoms are compatible with the disease, a lumbar puncture is necessary on the child to rule out the possibility of such an eventuality.

If the newborn has a fever for no apparent cause, the specialist can perform the puncture even if there are no other symptoms.

1. Acute headaches, one of the main symptoms of meningitis 


In toddlers, headaches are unbearable. Sometimes children’s necks are also affected.

In newborns, a bulging of the fontanel is a characteristic symptom.

2. Stomach pain, nausea and vomiting

These symptoms are prevalent at the onset of the disease. As a result, they can cause the child to lose his appetite, in part due to a series of bothersome abdominal cramps.

3. Photosensitivity

Another condition that accompanies meningitis is photophobia, also known as hypersensitivity to light.

When exposed to a lot of light, especially the sun, the eyes start to weep. It is also accompanied by nausea and headaches.

4. Neck stiffness, one of the main symptoms of meningitis

If the child’s reactions during meningitis are observed, the child will have an easily recognizable physical position.

  • Lying on their side, they keep their heads back and their legs bent.
  • When they want to stretch the neck, they can’t, because of the stiffness.

5. Double vision and fever

Child with fever

Children suffer when they fix their gaze on a target, so that they have a double view of their surroundings. The main symptom is fever. The child has spasms and constantly complains of the cold.

Once the temperature starts to rise, it is very difficult to control it. However, since a fever can occur on many occasions, it is important to watch for other signs as well.

6. Skin rashes

Skin rashes also usually occur when you have this condition.

  • To see if it’s meningitis or not, take a clear glass.
  • Press down on the rash using the glass and see if the area turns pale. If so, it is not meningitis.
  • However, if the rash retains the same shade, it is best to see a doctor.

It is a disease that should not be overlooked. In the case of children, we need to be attentive to the symptoms and their moods.

It is recommended to call a doctor to make a diagnosis and, if positive, to go immediately to the hospital emergency room for immediate admission.

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