6 Natural Ways To Treat Restless Leg Syndrome

Localized massages can be of great help, both in preventing and relieving restless leg syndrome, as they promote blood circulation and decrease tensions.

Restless legs syndrome is a disorder of the nervous system characterized by the uncontrollable urge to move the legs in order to relieve the feeling of tightness and itching.

Usually this urge arises during a period of rest or a prolonged period of inactivity, which very often interrupts sleep during the night.

The root cause of this syndrome is still unknown, but links have been established with genetic causes, nutritional deficiencies and imbalances in the activity of certain hormones.

The panorama of this syndrome is uncertain, but at present there are therapies and remedies that can help control the symptoms, allowing people who suffer from this syndrome to not have their quality of life affected.

In this article, let’s see together what are the risk factors, as well as 6 effective natural methods to treat this syndrome.

Risk factors for restless legs syndrome 

As previously stated, so far the exact cause behind Restless Leg Syndrome has not been identified.

There is a hypothesis that the origin of this syndrome is due to the imbalance of dopamine, a chemical in the brain responsible for sending messages to control muscle movements.

The likelihood of suffering from this syndrome is greater in people who suffer from the following diseases or imbalances:

  • chronic kidney disease
  • iron deficiency
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • diabetes
  • peripheral neuropathy
  • the pregnancy
  • multiple sclerosis

Symptoms of restless legs syndrome 

Zoom on a woman's legs

This uncontrollable urge to move the legs is at the origin of the name of this syndrome. In addition to this characteristic symptom, other signs and symptoms can be observed:

  • Tingling or tickling
  • Struggle
  • Itching
  • Pain or a burning sensation
  • Palpitations or discomfort
  • Tensions

These symptoms appear most often at night. They can be light, and can last an hour, even longer. Sometimes these symptoms spread to the arms.

In most cases, these symptoms improve after a few stretches or when the person is moving.

Natural methods to relieve restless legs syndrome

Restless legs syndrome is not really treatable: the symptoms will come back after a while.

However, certain therapies and lifestyle changes help control this symptom.

1. Exercise 

Usually, people who suffer from this syndrome and have a sedentary lifestyle experience more complications. In order to avoid seizures, it is best to adopt an exercise routine.

Exercise helps improve blood circulation, strengthens muscles, and helps prevent certain problems such as fluid retention.

2. Wear socks

Since the cold can stimulate the appearance of symptoms of this syndrome, maintaining a certain temperature in the feet by wearing socks to sleep can prevent this.

Although this fact has not been proven, many people say that it is a good tip to reduce the recurrence of symptoms.

3. Control your stress

Many people think that stress has nothing to do with this syndrome. However, continued exposure to stressful situations may very well be the cause of an attack of restless leg syndrome.

This emotional state involves sudden changes in hormonal activity, blood circulation and other body processes.

It is essential to practice relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation, in order to facilitate the control of this syndrome.

4. Apply hot and cold compresses 

A therapy based on cold and hot compresses is an interesting option to reduce tingling, tension but also itching.

The compresses are applied alternately: first, place the hot compresses on the legs, then the cold compresses. Leave on for a few minutes for them to take effect, then finally dry your legs.

5. Do massages

Massages to treat restless legs

Massages, even in the absence of symptoms, keep the legs relaxed and circulation active.

The massages produce a heat effect that decreases muscle tension, thereby reducing discomfort such as night cramps.

You can use relaxing essential oils, such as cypress oil, lavender oil, or rosemary oil.

6. Consume dietary supplements containing magnesium

Magnesium deficiency has consequences for muscle health. Often, patients who suffer from restless leg syndrome have a magnesium deficiency.

You can absorb magnesium naturally by consuming the following foods:

  • fish and seafood
  • dry herbs
  • squash seeds
  • cocoa powder
  • the dried fruit
  • oat bran
  • vegetables with green leaves
  • the lawyer

There are also food supplements and creams for external use.

Do you have the symptoms of this syndrome? If so, take all of these tips into account, and reduce your symptoms naturally.

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