6 Chemical Free Repellents To Fight Ants

If you have small children, or pets, it is essential that you do not use harsh chemicals, which can be harmful to their health, as well as to yours. Natural products also have the advantage of being much more economical.

Most homes will have to deal with an ant invasion at one point or another.

Whether in the kitchen, or in other rooms of the house, these insects have an annoying tendency to invest our living spaces.

Ants are very difficult to eliminate completely once they enter our house. Especially when we stockpile foods that inexorably attract them.

Leftover food, certain plants and other organic waste can influence the appearance of a colony of these fascinating insects.

However, without even thinking about the cause of their appearance, we immediately had the idea of ​​looking for a product capable of repelling them, because they can do considerable damage, both in our interior and in the garden.

Nowadays, it is very easy to go to the supermarket to buy an ultra-aggressive pesticide, and full of chemicals.

However, be aware that these products can affect our health, as well as the environment.

It is for this reason that, in the rest of this article, we will share with you 6 ecological alternatives that will allow you to repel these insects outside your home, without having to resort to harmful substances.

1. Lemon

Not many people know that a product as common as lemon juice is a great alternative to conventional chemicals.

The acidic compounds it contains help ward off ants that have invaded your garden or the interior of your home.


  • 1 lemon
  • 1/2 liter of water
  • 1 bottle with spray

How to prepare this repellent?

  • Squeeze the lemon to extract the juice, then mix it with the half liter of water.
  • Pour the resulting liquid into a bottle with spray, then spray it in areas of your house with ants.
  • You can use it several times a day, if necessary.

2. Coffee grounds

It has been shown that the coffee residues that remain in the filter after you have prepared this drink retain many of the original properties of the plant from which they come.

It is therefore imperative to reuse them in your home as an ecological remedy, especially to repel ants and other insects that can infest your home.

The penetrating smell of coffee is the hallmark that keeps these little bugs away from your home or garden for good.


  • 2 tablespoons of coffee grounds (20 g)
  • 1 liter of water

How to prepare this repellent?

  • Mix the two tablespoons of coffee grounds in a liter of water, then spray the resulting liquid in the ant infested areas.
  • Use this remedy at least three times a week.

3. Mint

Mint to fight ants

Dried mint leaves and mint essential oil are two great alternatives to keep all the unwanted little bugs away from your home.

Their aroma, which is pleasant to us, is a real repellent for ants. It really prevents them from getting inside your home.


  • 2 mint tea bags (4 g)
  • Mint essential oil (optional)

How to prepare this repellent?

  • Collect two used mint tea bags, then cut them to extract the leaves. Spread them in all areas of your garden affected by an ant invasion, or even in all places where they could enter.
  • You can also spray some mint essential oil mixed with water.

4. Apple vinegar

The smell of vinegar is very strong, and effectively repels ants.

By covering entry points to your garden, as well as areas already affected by an invasion, you will get rid of ants in just a few hours.


  • ½ cup of apple cider vinegar (125 ml)
  • ½ cup of water (125 ml)
  • 1 bottle with spray

How to prepare this repellent?

  • Dilute the apple cider vinegar in the same volume of water, then pour the mixture into a spray bottle.
  • Spray the liquid on your countertops, sinks and windows, in addition to areas where you have seen an ant invasion.
  • Use this product every day for good results.

5. Baking soda and sugar

baking soda and sugar to fight ants

Sugar is a substance that attracts many types of insects. However, when mixed with baking soda, it becomes lethal to these little beasts.


  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda (9 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar (10 g)

How to prepare this repellent?

  • Mix the two ingredients in a container, then sprinkle the resulting mixture in the areas where the ants are in your house.
  • Use this product at least three times a week.

6. Corn flour

Cornmeal can have many uses in the household. Not many people know it, but this flour is an excellent ant repellant.

No need to mix it with other ingredients, it can be sprinkled directly on the affected areas, as many times as needed, to repel these insects outside our home.


  • Corn flour (as much as needed)

How to use it ?

  • Sprinkle the flour in all the areas affected by the ant invasion, such as in your garden or in certain areas of your kitchen.
    Do not hesitate to put it on compulsory passage points, such as doors for example.

All these ecological alternatives represent ideal solutions to get rid of ants without damaging your environment.

However, you must take into account that in order to get good results you will most likely need to apply them several times.

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