5 Vegetables To Gain Muscle Mass

Our diet plays a fundamental role in increasing muscle mass and improving performance during demanding physical activities. There are plant sources that can be our best allies.

Do you exercise enough to sculpt the body you want so badly? In this article, we’re going to show you a healthy way to help build muscle mass: vegetables.

We all know that dieting is not easy. However, you should know that nutrition is the key to determining whether your workout program is succeeding or failing.

Some studies show that not only should you stick to an exercise program that works for you, but also consuming foods that allow you to gain muscle is essential.

For this reason, here we are sharing with you 5 vegetables to increase your muscle mass that you can include in your daily diet. These will not only help you build muscle, but also take care of your health.

Solution for vegans

increase muscle mass with beetroot

In order to increase muscle mass, it is common for the diet followed in the gym to focus on the consumption of animal proteins, and therefore of meat.

However, what about people who are vegans or vegetarians? Of those who abstain from eating meat for environmental, religious or health reasons? Can’t they build muscle mass? Yes, on the contrary!

In this scenario, healthy vegetables kick in. These represent a suitable source that will provide the nutrients your body needs for healthy and strong muscles. We will see them below.

However, it is important to know that plant protein does not help you gain muscle to the same level as animal protein. So the results may not be as fast as you would like.

In addition, food should always be supplemented with adequate training, especially if only vegetable proteins will be consumed.

5 healthy vegetables to increase your muscle mass

1. Spinach

increase muscle mass by consuming spinach

Spinach is an important source of glutamine. It is one of the twenty amino acids involved in the composition of proteins. Hence, it plays an important role in the correct development of lean body mass.

It also contains a component called coenzyme Q10. It is an antioxidant that performs an important function in building muscles.

In addition, this vegetable is one of the best sources of magnesium. This is essential for the proper functioning of energy metabolism, as well as for the maintenance of nerve and muscle function.

Finally, spinach is also rich in arginine, an amino acid that stimulates the pituitary gland. Thus, they help stimulate the production of human growth hormones.

2. Beet

This vegetable contains high amounts of antioxidants and nitrates. Its role is decisive in the moments when we perform high intensity physical training.

Indeed, our body transforms nitrates into nitric oxide. This element improves cardiovascular function and nutrients in muscle cells. Thus, it helps to increase your performance during physical training.

It is one of the most effective ways to increase muscle tissue. You can include this vegetable in your meals. You can cut it into sticks or grate it in your salads or in one of your shakes. This will give you an extra dose of energy.

A survey showed that people who ingested beet juice before starting physical activity performed better than those who did not.

3. Germinated seeds and micro-plants

This type of bud is packed with anti-inflammatory phytonutrients. Thus, they help our body to absorb amino acids from proteins.

Also, many of these phytonutrients, such as sulforaphane and glucoraphanin, help your muscles recover faster. It can help you exercise intensely without feeling a lot of pain after activity.

This means that you can return to the gym much earlier than expected. This way, you can continue to build muscle mass in a strong and healthy way.

You can incorporate micro vegetables and sprouted seeds into your vegetable rolls, salads, morning shakes or sandwiches.

3. Parsley

Among the vegetables, parsley stands out. This herbaceous plant is an important source of nutrients.

Among these nutrients is a fundamental amino acid: lysine. This promotes the growth and regeneration of connective tissue, cartilage and tendons.

You can consume raw parsley in salads and smoothies combined with any fruit or vegetable. You can also add it to your breakfasts or main meals.

4. Chlorella

Chlorella is a genus of unicellular green algae of the Phylum Chlorophyta, of Japanese origin. It is an important source of a compound called growth factor (CGF).

In addition, it contains amino acids, nucleic acids and vitamins that help in muscle regeneration.

All of this makes chlorella an extremely complete protein. You can incorporate it into shakes in order to disguise its flavor along with that of the other ingredients.

5. Barley, or wheatgrass

These plants are rich in essential minerals such as magnesium, calcium and iron. Likewise, they contain carotenoids which act as antioxidants and help maintain healthy and resilient tissue cells. You can include them in your juices.

Now you have the list of 5 vegetables that can help you build muscle mass.

If you want to optimize their benefits, consult a nutrition specialist. He will tell you how and in what quantity you should consume them.

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