5 Plant Sources Of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

You probably know these healthy fats that have great benefits for your body. They are thus linked to cardiovascular risk and aging of the nervous system. Take note of the plant sources of omega-3 fatty acids!

The plant sources of omega-3 fatty acids that the diet offers us are numerous. They are polyunsaturated fats and, together with omega-6 fatty acids,  they form essential fatty acids.

They are so called because of their essential character for the organism. However, this one is not able to produce it by itself and must thus assimilate it thanks to food.

Benefits of omega-3 fatty acids

omega-3 fatty acids

The properties of omega-3 fatty acids  provide important health benefits for the body. We can mention in particular:

  • Anti-inflammatory property
  • Reduction of the cholesterol fraction, by increasing the production of HDL (the “good cholesterol”) and elimination of LDL (the “bad cholesterol”). This fact slows down the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the artery walls.
  • Reduced triglyceride level
  • Contribution to lowering blood pressure
  • Important role in children in brain maturation and growth
  • Protection from many diseases such as diabetes, stroke, certain types of cancer or ulcerative colitis, among others
  • Relief of symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis

Furthermore, the daily dose the body needs has not yet been established. Note, however, that some studies have shown that with a dose of one gram per day, the cardiovascular risk is reduced considerably.

5 plant sources of omega-3 fatty acids

We are going to explain the  nutritional properties of several plant sources of omega-3 fatty acids essential for good health and preventing many diseases. Here is the non-exhaustive list of vegetable sources of omega-3 fatty acids.

1. Linseed oil and olive oil

Flaxseed oil is composed of 75% omega-3 and 25% omega-6. It is a very important food for the metabolism of prostaglandins, regulators of inflammation. A tablespoon provides nearly 7 grams of omega-3. It is thus one of the most important vegetable sources of omega-3 fatty acids.

As for olive oil,  it also helps us cover omega-3 needs. It is delicious, and of course healthy. For example, you can add a drizzle of olive oil on your breakfast toast or in your lunch salad.

2. Microalgae

Chlorella  seaweed is the richest in omega-3 fatty acids. Then come spirulina and  klamath , even if it is consumed in small doses. In addition to its high omega-3 content, it has important antioxidant effects.

3. Walnuts

Unlike other dried fruits, nuts have a  balanced 5: 1 ratio of omega-3 to omega-6. With 14 nuts – about 60 grams, we cover 50% of the daily omega-3 needs.

4. Chia seeds

chia seeds are a plant source of omega-3 fatty acids

Chia seeds are one of the other plant sources of omega-3 fatty acids along with flax seeds. They have 33% oil (62% omega-3 acids and 20% omega-6). You should know that to be  able to consume these seeds, they must first macerate.

In addition,  these seeds have imposed themselves in our diet,  especially in that of vegetarians. This product, which was first marketed in specialized stores, is now available in supermarkets.

5. Lawyer

The lawyer has built up a very good reputation over the past few years. Some diets have given it pride of place because of its nutritional benefits. And it is justified. It is one of the most important plant sources of omega-3 fatty acids.

Some neurology experts even consider it to  be one of the best products for keeping the brain healthy  and preventing Alzheimer’s.


All of these plant sources of omega-3 acids are ideal for helping us meet the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO). In addition, certain sections of the population are more susceptible to this deficiency, as are children who are in the midst of brain development.

Therefore, be  sure to include foods rich in omega-3 acids to be healthy and prevent future illnesses.

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