5 Natural Herbal Remedies To Fight Bad Breath

Bad breath can be caused by the growth of bacteria in the mouth, changes in the saliva or an illness in the mouth. -jacent. Fortunately, there are certain plants that can help us fight bad breath naturally.

Also known as halitosis, bad breath is a very common problem worldwide. According to the American Dental Association ( ADA), 50% of adults have suffered from halitosis at least once in their lifetime.   This is why we invite you here to discover some natural herbal remedies to fight bad breath.

Although nowadays there are plenty of toothpastes and mouthwashes to deal with this problem, it is good to know that there are some natural remedies that can be just as effective for bad breath. Discover without further ado in the rest of this article the causes of bad breath as well as 5 effective natural alternatives.

Causes of bad breath

In over 90% of bad breath cases, the root of the problem is the mouth. Poor oral hygiene promotes the proliferation of bacteria in the tongue, gums and teeth, and it is this proliferation that is the cause of bad breath.

For the remaining percentage, the halitosis may be due to an underlying health problem. It is, for example, common for people who suffer from gastric reflux, digestive problems or liver disease to suffer from halitosis. The same is true for people who suffer from diabetes or kidney failure. In these cases, neutralizing the problem by improving oral hygiene and / or using mouthwashes will not be enough: it is necessary to treat the underlying cause.

5 herbal bad breath remedies

Home remedies for bad breath help inhibit bacterial growth and prevent bacterial plaque buildup. This is why they are a good alternative to this symptom. Of course, good oral hygiene is also essential.

1. Parsley

Parsley for bad breath

This herb is one of the most popular ingredients for bad breath. This plant has a fresh aroma that helps neutralize the bad smell left by certain foods.

In addition, its chlorophyll intake helps inhibit bacterial growth and protects the natural pH of saliva.

How to use it ?

  • Chew a few fresh leaves of parsley after each meal.
  • If you wish, prepare an infusion of parsley and use it as a mouthwash.

2. Green tea, an effective plant to fight bad breath

Some studies suggest that green tea has disinfectant and deodorant properties that help treat bad breath. A few sips of green tea during the day would therefore help to maintain fresh breath.

How to use it ?

  • First, pour a few tablespoons of green tea in half a liter of boiling water.
  • Let the drink stand and after ten minutes strain it.
  • Put the infusion in the refrigerator for a day.
  • Pour the liquid into a bottle and drink it throughout the day.

3. Thyme

Fight against bad breath with thyme

This remedy is particularly recommended in cases where there is a risk of infection (wounds or ulcers). The compounds in thyme promote healing and fresh breath.

How to use it ?

  • First of all, prepare an infusion of thyme.
  • Then gargle with this infusion 2-3 times a day.

4. The boldo

When it comes to fighting bad breath in a natural way, boldo is a plant that stands out when this symptom is related to a digestive problem.

This fabulous herb stimulates gastric juices, improves liver health and optimizes the digestion process.

How to use it ?

  • You can consume it as an infusion.
  • If you want, you can also take boldo mouthwashes after brushing your teeth. For best results, do this after thirty minutes after each meal.

5. Sage

Sage is a good alternative for halitosis and the underlying digestive issues. This plant helps to regulate the secretions of saliva and decreases the growth of bacteria in the teeth and gums.

You can use it as an infusion or as a mouthwash.

How to use it ?

  • Prepare a sage infusion: put a spoonful of sage in a cup of hot water, then strain the drink before consuming it.
  • If desired, gargle this liquid for two minutes 2-3 times a day for best results.

In short …

Do you have bad breath? Try out these natural remedies. But if the problem persists, see your doctor.

Keep in mind that bad breath can be a symptom of an underlying disease such as diabetic ketoacidosis, kidney failure, or an infection.

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