5 Important Things A Future Mum Should Know

Before becoming a mother, the experience of motherhood seems like a perfect illusion. However, it is important to know these 5 things that we share below.

There are a lot of things I didn’t know when I was just a mom-to-be .” How many times have we heard this from mothers who already have their babies in their arms? This exciting journey of life has many surprises in store for us for which, in some cases, we would have liked to have been prepared.

In this article, we are sharing what you didn’t know before you became a mom that only experience can tell you. While every woman and every experience is unique, we all have many things in common.

5 things to know for a mother-to-be

1. You will have to forgive yourself a lot of things

First of all, before you become a mom, you have a very superficial idea of ​​motherhood. No matter what others tell you, you’ll never know what it means until you experience it firsthand. Because each case is unique and you will be writing your own story.

Even if you learn all the manuals and listen to all the advice, everyday life will show you that you should first and foremost be guided by your instincts. You will have to forgive yourself for a lot of things that you will not be able to accomplish the way you planned.

Not all mothers fall in love with their baby. Sometimes the bond needs more time to form. But don’t blame yourself, because the important thing is that you follow your natural rhythm.

2. The couple’s relationship will change

Second, it is inevitable that the couple’s relationship will change with the arrival of children. However, the change does not have to be bad, but it is up to us to guide this next step so that it is positive for the whole family.

Before becoming a mother, life revolves around the couple and the family, work, etc. But after birth, all the attention is on the newborn baby, because he needs round-the-clock care. And until you experience it, you don’t know how much it is.

Hormonal changes, fatigue, sleep, stress, worries, decision-making… Everything becomes a test for the couple, who will have to face this big change with patience, affection and a great sense of teamwork. In addition to trying to maintain the treasure of intimacy and romance.

3. Start pelvic floor work while still a future mother

Of all the recommendations you’ll hear, don’t underestimate the ones that relate to the pelvic floor. That part of your body that you may never have heard of before will depend a lot on your quality of life.

The ideal is to know the exercises in advance. In fact, it is much better if you learn them before pregnancy. The awareness of the pelvic floor is becoming more and more urgent, especially among young girls who already suffer from small urinary leaks. For example, sneezing or laughing. So take this very seriously.

4. Getting pregnant is not always easy

Many women expect to get pregnant within the first month. However, this happens in a small percentage of cases, but we only know it when we start looking for information because we don’t think we are fertile.

Doctors recommend that you don’t worry before trying for at least a year. However, if we want to make conception easier, we can help you with a fertile day calendar and ovulation test, as well as a balanced and nutritious diet.

In addition, we can also perform routine tests to detect possible deficiencies. However, the most important thing is to avoid anxiety and frustration, living this stage with hope and optimism.

5. You will want to go back to hard days

Finally, many of the first few days or weeks with your newborn will definitely be a lot more intense than you ever imagined. And these moments will not always be accompanied by positive emotions.

But, in a few years, you will remember them with great nostalgia and even want to relive them. You will understand the expression “the days are long but the years are short”. So learn and enjoy every moment.

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