5 Easy Tips For Everyday Emotional Management

Few people know how to manage their emotions on a daily basis.

By applying a few rules of emotional management we can learn to take advantage of every moment. Learn to disconnect when stress overwhelms you; live and let yourself live.

Emotional management is a principle of psychological well-being that improves our health and quality of life.

However, something we all know is that it is not easy to control everything around us on a daily basis. We are not immune to setbacks, stress or pressure from those around us.

It is certain that in your life you have already read things related to Emotional Intelligence or stress management.

However, a curious thing that often happens is that we know the theory but we don’t put it into practice.

It’s the same when a friend recommends that we don’t worry too much or focus on ourselves instead of spending our energy on others… These are ideas that we know but that we do. However, we do not apply for various reasons.

Below, we offer you to consider and reflect on the following ideas. These are essential emotional management basics that can help you.

  1. I put myself in my skin

You’ve heard the recommendation a billion times that we should learn to put ourselves in other people’s shoes.

  • Understanding perspectives, needs and worlds outside our own is the basis for fostering appropriate respect and good cohabitation.
  • However, people who suffer from stress and who accumulate a lot of tension on a daily basis have in fact forgotten something essential: to put themselves in their skin to remember their own needs.
  • We are sure that you give priority to what others want: your boss, your partner, your children, your parents …
  • Sometimes we focus our entire personal universe on these outer “planets” around us.

We try to make them happy and we always try to make a good impression until we forget who we are.

Learn to value your needs, put a name on what you are feeling, and be aware of your emotional world. You are the protagonist of your own life.

2. I don’t repress my negative emotions, I channel them

negative emotions

If there is anything that we are used to, it is to “suppress” our negative emotions.

If I get angry with someone, I keep quiet so as not to make matters worse; when something seems wrong to me, I hide it; if I feel rage, I keep it to myself, otherwise I feel like I’m losing control …

Experience all these emotions sooner or later somatize these realities through headaches, indigestion, muscle pain, nausea, and even certain allergies.

Remember to carry out these emotional management strategies on a daily basis.

  • Emotions are not repressed, they channel themselves (rage subsides by drawing, dancing, swimming, running or talking to someone).
  • Words are not hidden, they are communicated with respect and assertiveness.
  • What bothers us needs to be spoken out loud and we need to set protective boundaries.

3. My mental palace of peace and loneliness, emotional management

Good emotional management involves establishing good boundaries in the face of stress attacks and pressures from our daily surroundings.

  • A strong mind is synonymous with a psychological perspective capable of disconnecting from time to time from what surrounds it, to make contact with oneself.
  • In your daily life, it will be very useful for you to use your “mental palace of loneliness”. It is a private corner of your mind in which you can take refuge.
  • Escaping this far does not mean you are shirking your responsibilities.

This means that you take a moment of respite where you let go of ambient noise, conversations that don’t interest you, and those pressures that make you forget what you are worth and how you feel.

  • When you feel like you’re at the limit, breathe. Think of a wood that you cross quietly to arrive at a comforting little palace.

There reigns silence and calm; you have the best company there: yourself.

4. Mindfulness for emotional management

how to practice emotional management

The Mindfulness  brings a practical perspective to manage emotions and stress in everyday life.

  • This philosophy of life teaches us to be more present, to become fully aware of what is happening inside and outside.
  • It reminds us that while we can’t change what’s happening around us, we can change the way it affects us.
  • Staying calm, accepting emotions and realizing that our opportunities for change are opening up “here and now” are very good foundations for emotional management.

Likewise, Mindfulness gives us the right meditation and relaxation techniques ideal for regulating stress and anxiety.

5. To be and not to be anymore, emotional management

This very basic principle of respect and self-respect offers us a key strategy in emotional management.

  • First, he teaches us that our obligation is to build ourselves. To be what we want and what makes us happy. It is a path in which we must invest time and effort without fear.
  • The second aspect is also important: just as we have the right to exist, to do, to think and to decide what we want, others must and can be who they want.

Also, remember to accept others as they wish to be. Accept that they think differently from you and that they have their quirks and idiosyncrasies.

Accept them as you accept yourself, and in doing so you will avoid many sources of suffering.

Start using these simple emotional management tips today.

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