4 Ways To Exercise During Pregnancy

Unless you have health issues or have complications in your pregnancy, exercise during pregnancy is more than recommended. See your doctor and take the plunge.

Pregnant! This is surely the best news of your life. However , during gestation your life and your body will change and, as a result, your lifestyle. One of the questions that many pregnant women ask themselves is whether they can exercise during pregnancy. And the answer is conclusive: of course!

However, not all types of exercise are recommended during these critical months. It will depend on your condition before pregnancy, if you have any health problems, or if the pregnancy is causing complications. In this article, we’ll tell you all about it.

Exercise during pregnancy

swimming as exercise during pregnancy

Regular physical exercise is more than recommended during the nine months of pregnancy. It will help you stay healthy and feel much better. In fact, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology recommends that pregnant women exercise regularly for 30 minutes a day almost every day of the week.

The only exception is the existence of medical complications or pregnancy-related complications. The contraindications are therefore few and logical: do not overdo it. If you exercised regularly before your pregnancy, you can continue to do so in moderation. Low impact aerobic exercise is recommended during pregnancy.

For this reason, we recommend that you exercise under the guidance of a coach or physical education specialist who knows your condition. In addition, in any case, you should always consult your doctor or midwife before starting any physical activity during pregnancy.

The benefits of exercise during pregnancy

In addition to the traditional benefits of being physically active at any time in our life, exercise during pregnancy has other benefits to keep in mind that will likely encourage you to move more:

  • It will help you maintain strong muscles and therefore improve your postural health. In this way, you will be able to prevent problems such as back pain and promote your physical condition around the time of childbirth.
  • It will also improve your stamina. In this way, you will relieve the fatigue typical of the months of pregnancy.
  • On the other hand, there is scientific evidence that pregnant women who exercise are less likely to have gestational diabetes.
  • It will also help you maintain the correct weight during pregnancy.
  • Finally, physical exercise will help relieve stress and improve your well-being. He will be your ally during childbirth.

What type of exercise is recommended?

As we have already mentioned, low impact aerobic exercise is particularly recommended. Also, never forget the importance of stretching, before and after physical activity.

1. Walking

It is probably the most recommended exercise during pregnancy. It is also advised at all stages of pregnancy until the end. In addition to its most well-known benefits, walking promotes the arrival of the baby in the last month and helps with problems such as swelling of the feet and legs or constipation.

On the other hand, it allows you to maintain the right weight without you having to strain too much. Do not hesitate any longer, walk every day.

2. Aquatic exercises

Another type of exercise during pregnancy is highly recommended. With the weightlessness of the water, muscles and joints are not overloaded, reducing the risk of injury.

In this sense, exercises like water aerobics or swimming are ideal. They will help you build stronger muscles and reduce possible problems such as back pain. In addition, they will improve your circulatory and respiratory health, as well as your general well-being.

3. Yoga

yoga is a good exercise during pregnancy
Yoga is one of the best exercises for pregnancy, postural control, and stress reduction.

By its nature, yoga will help you relax and have better posture. In this sense, it will help you reduce possible lower back pain and relieve tension and stress. It is a type of exercise strongly recommended for preparation for childbirth.

However, do not forget to consult a specialist in this physical activity. Knowing your condition, he will be able to design an ideal routine without contraindications.

4. Pilates

The Pilates method strengthens the muscles of the abdomen, back and pelvic floor. In this sense, since it does not overload the joints, it can be a really recommended pregnancy exercise.

In fact, it can help prevent back pain, maintain your balance, control your breathing, and help you relax. Moreover, as we have already mentioned, it also focuses on strengthening the muscles of the pelvic region. In this sense, Kegel exercises can benefit you even more.

Either way, don’t forget to be guided by a coach or specialist who will rule out the exercises you shouldn’t be doing and help you develop a specific routine for pregnant women.

In conclusion, you should exercise during pregnancy, unless there is a medical reason that discourages it. After consulting with your doctor or gynecologist, you can start a routine that can only benefit you.

In addition, remember that physical exercise always supports self-knowledge and the perception of one’s own body, so that in these months of change together, it can even influence the strengthening of the connection with the new life that is being born in you.

Get moving!

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