3 Healthy Routines To Prevent Lower Back Pain

Among the areas of our body most prone to more or less serious injuries is the back. To prevent back pain, there are different treatments, besides the need to adopt good habits in our daily life.

The lower back is particularly prone to various injuries that trigger more or less discomfort. There are several types of treatment to prevent lower back pain. Depending on their cause and the needs of each person.

The lumbar region is located between the thoracic bone and the sacrum. It is made up of the last five vertebrae of the spine, with the particularity of being the most rigid. The causes of pain in this area range from lack of exercise, poor posture, overwork and stress.

Next, we will look at three types of treatments that can complement each other for good spine health.

The main causes of lower back pain

Sudden movements or heavy lifting are typical triggers for lower back pain. If inflammation of one or more lower back vertebrae is not treated properly, it can lead to contractures and herniated discs. Other related diseases are osteoarthritis and spondylolisthesis.

When severe pain affects the glutes, legs, and even the toes, it’s likely a herniated disc. For its part, a sedentary lifestyle often leads to lumbar osteoarthritis. Spondylolisthesis occurs when a nervous shock occurs due to pressure exerted on one of the affected vertebrae.

Lower back pain or back pain can also be a reflection of other conditions such as infections, rheumatism or osteoporosis, to name a few. Likewise, stress or a climate of daily tension also give elements to contract the vertebrae and cause pain.

Prevent lower back pain with stretching exercises

Stretch your back to limit lower back pain

One way to prevent lower back pain is to do periodic stretching. However the reality is that this type of discomfort does not happen overnight. On the contrary, the vertebrae are usually a warning sign that something is wrong with small ailments which, if left untreated, end up being extremely painful and debilitating.

Stretching exercises consist of very gentle movements to activate and relax the affected area. The exercise is very simple: sitting in a chair, bend the trunk forward so that the chest rests on the thighs. Let the arms hang down so that the shoulders are relaxed as well.

Inhale and exhale

Something as simple as breathing exercises can solve many aches and pains in the body. By adopting good posture, the practice of conscious breathing can relieve tension in the spine.

Andrew Weil is director of the Institute for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona. His approach to relieving lower back pain is the Breathing Method 4, 7, 2, which involves sucking in air at 4, holding it at 7, and releasing it at 2.

For this type of exercise to work, you need to lie down on the floor and perform the entire procedure, breathing in air only through your nose, repeating three or four times a day.

Prevent lower back pain with strength training

A workout in the gym to reduce lower back pain

The principle of this type of activity aimed at preventing lower back pain is based on the idea that by toning the muscles adjacent to the lumbar region, the prevention becomes much more effective. Likewise, we can work the antagonistic muscles like the abdomen, or the reflexes like the shoulders and the pelvis.

On the other hand, it is very important that when training in the gym, special attention is paid to the lower back. For this purpose, exercises can be performed for the hip flexors and the hamstrings. The advice, in any case, is not to exercise more than what the body needs.

In conclusion

To prevent lower back pain, it is advisable to stretch several times a day, especially after spending many hours sitting. In addition, good rest is essential to release tension in the spine. Just like good nutrition is essential for building muscles and bones.

Finally, it should be noted that sudden movements, even without lifting weight, can seriously injure the lumbar vertebrae. It is essential to avoid these actions of high load and intensity.

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