13 Foods To Increase Your Children’s Concentration

The ability to concentrate is a determining factor in the learning process of children. Certain foods can help them increase their concentration and prepare in a healthy way. Discover them all!

As soon as children start school, the ability to concentrate is one of the fundamental skills in the learning process. Therefore, food intake is very important to increase the concentration of children.

Concentration is the mental function by which all attention is focused on an activity. In concentration, both the mind and the body participate in this process.

That is why it is so important for a child who studies and takes exams, as for one who trains and participates in a sports competition.

Good nutrition has been shown to improve focus. First of all, because it provides the balance the body needs to focus. But also, because it supplies the brain with the fuel that neurons need to work efficiently.

Fat: the best fuel

The body obtains energy from two types of food: carbohydrates or carbohydrates and fats. The brain can use both at the same time to function properly.

However, the metabolic product that comes from healthy fats is the one that best renews and regenerates neurons.

Including healthy foods to increase concentration in children’s diets will promote their cognitive processes and creativity. However, the dilemma for parents is that healthy foods aren’t always the most popular with the little ones in the house.

As children grow older, they go through different stages of accepting and refusing food. If sometimes they do not agree to eat certain foods, it is advisable to insist again a little later.

By offering them creative recipes, they will learn and appreciate over time the benefits of eating healthier foods.

The best foods to increase your children’s concentration

1. Lawyer

Avocado increases concentration.

Rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, avocado promotes communication between neurons and improves memory. It is fundamental for the exam periods!

Delicious tip

Fill an integral bread with a dough prepared from avocado, slices of chicken (roasted or boiled), finely chopped celery and mayonnaise. If you make homemade mayonnaise with olive oil, it will be much better.

2. Salmon, sardines and anchovies

The high concentrations of omega 3, omega 6 and phosphorus in blue fish make it ideal for improving brain function. Salmon, sardines or anchovies are some of the fish you can try.

Delicious tip

You can vary the avocado paste to fill the buns by replacing the chicken with salmon (roast) or prepare delicious croquettes.

3. Celery

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of celery come from luteolin, a compound that promotes learning and memory.

Delicious tip

You can prepare a delicious mixed salad with pieces of chicken, apples and finely chopped celery. As a seasoning, make a sauce with plain yogurt, mustard, honey, salt and pepper.

4. Blackberries

Blackberries increase concentration.

The content of antioxidants and anthocyanins contained in blackberries protects us, among other things, against neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. In addition, blackberries improve learning, thinking and memory.

Delicious tip

Make a blackberry and blueberry smoothie. Filter and sweeten to taste, preferably with honey. Remember that sugar does not promote concentration.

5. Broccoli

The high content of choline (a B vitamin) in broccoli not only promotes baby’s brain development in the womb, but also prevents deterioration of cognitive function.

Delicious tip

Steam the broccoli for 4 minutes. Then, mix the finely chopped broccoli with thin pasta, cooked lentils and crushed walnuts. Season with garlic and turmeric.

6. Chicken bone broth

Chicken bone broth helps improve gut health. When the intestines are functioning properly, they reduce the number of bacteria and food that enter the bloodstream and inflame brain cells.

Delicious tip

To make a great chicken bone broth, boil the bones for 12-24 hours over low heat. Add to the water, several carrots, celery stalks and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.

Ten minutes before turning off, add parsley. Finally, strain this broth and you will have a nutrient-rich base for any soup.

7. Extra virgin olive oil

Olive oil increases the concentration.

Extra virgin olive oil which is cold pressed contains an excellent source of antioxidants to protect memory and promote learning.

Delicious tip

Cold pressed extra virgin olive oil cannot be subjected to high temperatures, otherwise it will degrade. Add it raw to salads, mayonnaise or pasta.

8. Coconut oil

It is the best source of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) out there. Coconut oil is therefore the most suitable food for neurons. It reduces inflammation and prevents memory loss.

Delicious tip

Add to a cup of cooked brown rice, a handful of crushed nuts, a quarter of a cup of raisins, a teaspoon of cinnamon and a tablespoon of coconut oil.

9. Turmeric

The curcumin present in this tuber is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent that stimulates the production of new brain cells, i.e. neurogenesis.

Delicious tip

Turmeric is what gives the yellow color to the curry. For example, you can make homemade mayonnaise with a touch of turmeric. Also, you can add it to scrambled eggs to give them a special flavor.

10. Rosemary

The carnosic acid present in this plant protects the brain against neurodegenerative disorders which are produced by free radicals.

Delicious tip

Season the meat or chicken with finely chopped rosemary leaves. Rosemary also goes very well with tomato sauces.

11. Egg yolks

As well as being another very important source of choline, egg yolks contain phospholipids, which are vital for neuronal transmission.

Delicious tip

Prepare pasta or rice and add a homemade sauce of onions, paprika, and turmeric. Then add the cooked and crumbled egg yolks. To serve, add a little coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil.

12. Beet

Beets contain a high percentage of natural antioxidants and nitrates which increase blood flow to the brain and improve productivity.

Delicious tip

Mix several beets and a few carrots, filter them and mix them with orange juice. This multivitamin juice will be ideal for breakfast.

13. Nuts

The rich content of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in nuts makes them a luxury food for neural functioning.

Delicious tip

Prepare a serving of cream cheese or ricotta. Add celery and finely chopped walnuts. Season with honey, salt and pepper to taste. Finally, pour this cream over the cookies at snack time.

The loss of appetite in children is a constant cause of worry for their parents, who do not know what to do about it. In addition, in many cases, it can also lead to stress for the child, who ends up eating without much desire.

The key is to solve the child’s lack of appetite with natural methods and remedies.

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