10 Remedies For Intestinal Gas

If you suffer from intestinal gas, this article will help you get rid of it! Discover here many very effective natural remedies for intestinal gas.

Having intestinal gas is as common as it is annoying. Gas builds up in our digestive tract, dilates our abdomen, and causes pain when caught in the folds of our colon.

Numerous studies explain to us that their formation is essentially due to bad eating habits which make accumulate in our organism an excess of unhealthy air.

Discover here 10 simple remedies that will relieve your gas.  At the same time, make sure you eat a balanced diet, drink plenty of water (at least two liters per day), and consume probiotics.

Factors behind intestinal gas

Factors that cause intestinal gas

The most common factors that cause intestinal gas are:

  • consumption of certain foods (beans, beans, green beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, headed cabbage, soft drinks, onions, etc.)
  • possible lactose intolerance
  • large meal (food that has not been digested turns into gas)
  • poor chewing  of food (pieces that have not yet been digested take longer to ferment)
  • eat with your mouth open
  • chewing gum regularly
  • drink sodas
  • to smoke
  • certain medications (laxatives, tranquilizers, or cholesterol lowering drugs)
  • anxiety and stress

10 natural remedies to control intestinal gas

1. Papaya and pineapple relieve intestinal gas

Pineapple relieves intestinal gas

These two fruits have enzymes essential for good digestion, because they prevent gas from forming. Eating one of these fruits after meals is a solution to controlling gas.

You can also consume these two fruits in the form of juice or incorporate them into a delicious salad.

2. Ginger 

The ginger is a perfect ally because it helps digestion and inhibits the gas.

We recommend that you grate a piece of ginger and incorporate it into your dishes and infusions. But you can also eat grated ginger straight from a spoon.

3. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar also aids digestion and eliminates gas. It is a natural ingredient highly recommended by doctors.

Just dilute two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink it either with meals or immediately after.

4. The dandelion

Dandelion is an herb within everyone’s reach that contains in its small leaves many benefits for our health, especially when it comes to controlling intestinal gas.

Eat it as an infusion or incorporate it into your dishes like any other condiment.

5. Cinnamon tea 

Cinnamon tea eliminates the bacteria responsible for rotting food while promoting mobility of the intestine.

At the slightest stomach pain, drink it!

6. Anise 

Anise is useful both for preventing intestinal gas and for relieving it. Pound two tablespoons of anise seeds, and boil them in a cup of water. When the water boils, turn off the heat and let stand.

Drink a cup of tea at lunchtime or when you are suffering from gas.

7. A hot water compress 

As soon as you experience stomach discomfort or bloating, a hot water compress can give you great relief.

All you need to do is take a towel, soak it in hot water, and then wring it out. Then place this towel on your stomach, so that the abdomen relaxes. The gases will decrease.

8. Lemon juice

The properties of lemon  are excellent for relieving many ailments. Thanks to its acids, it is perfect for relieving intestinal gas.

Every morning, as soon as you wake up, drink a little lemon juice. Drink it again after lunch to cleanse the body.

9. Garlic

Garlic  is a precious ally for our health. Its digestive properties are widely known.

Mix a crushed garlic clove with black pepper and some coriander seeds. Boil two cups of water with these ingredients, then drink the mixture in two divided doses throughout the day.

10. Coconut water 

Refreshing and delicious, coconut water is also a great remedy to reduce gas and aid digestion.

Drink a glass of coconut water after lunch, because, according to many nutritionists, this is precisely when gas begins to appear.

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